27'-30' L Boom Support (K1000) by Boomkicker®. Boomkickers are simply the best solution to support the boom and eliminate the topping lift for sailboats 14 to 38 feet. Each Boomkicker uses 2 coated fiberglass spring rods to support the boom. Pulling the boom down causes the Boomkicker to flex upward, releasing straightens the Boomkicker lifting the boom. Universal fittings for the mast and boom are included. The boom track fitting, standard on larger models, and shown on the right, provides additional up travel and adjustment.
Initial Pin to Pin: 45" |
Maximum Force (At Maximum Pin to Pin length): 400 lb |
Minimum Pin to Pin: 41" |
Stroke Initial (Maximum stroke at initial Pin to Pin): 15" |
Stroke Min. (Maximum stroke at min. Pin to Pin. Stroke is travel when flexed. 1" of stroke equates to approximately 7" at the aft end of the boom): 9" |
Suggested Boat Size: 27-30' |
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